Conceptualizing homelessness
Purpose and process of outreach
Outreach best practices
Outreach pitfalls
Housing-focused outreach
Integrating in a community of care

Introduction to Effective Homeless Outreach
This tapas bundle contains six short video presentations for the purpose of providing some base knowledge of outreach best practices. While this is not a comprehensive presentation, the topics discussed and the questions posed should help prepare those looking to conduct outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness or looking to improve their effectiveness.
Meet the Instructors
Amy SooHoo White, M.A., works on the Center for Social Innovation's Homelessness and Housing team. She currently works on a project to support Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grantees' effective collection and use of data and has previous experience providing training and support for Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) grantees. Prior to joining the Center for Social Innovation, she worked as a PATH outreach worker in Boston, MA, providing case management and counseling services for individuals experiencing homelessness and series mental illness.
Collin Whelley was first trainings in CTI when he was a Street Outreach Worker at the Colorado Coalition or the Homeless in Denver, CO. He has since been trained in many other evidence-based practices including, harm reduction, trauma-informed care, nonviolent crisis intervention, assertive community treatment, Housing First, integrated dual diagnosis therapy, and Motivational Interviewing. CTI borrows from other evidence-based practices as well as experience in the field. To train effectively, Collin summons his knowledge and other evidence-based practices and his experiences as a direct care professional to compliment the curriculum.
The tapas in this bundle include:
- Conceptualizing homelessness (9 mins)
- Purpose and process of outreach (6 mins)
- Outreach best practices (11 mins)
- Outreach pitfalls (9 mins)
- Housing focused outreach (6 mins)
- Integrating in a community of care (6 mins)